Why Pai Gow Poker Is Better Than Most Table Games5 EXPLANATIONS WHY Baccarat Is the Only Casino Game You Should Play20 Philippines Casinos to go to on Your Next Trip

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What Is Pai Gow Poker?

Pai Gow Poker was invented by Sam Torosian in 1985. It is largely using the original Chinese dominoes game, Pai Gow. The largest difference, though, is that the poker version is used a 53-card deck.

Players have the standard 52-card deck and also a joker at their disposal. The game is also similar to seven-card poker and players need to beat the banker?s submit order to win.

The banker is generally a deal that is utilized by the casino. However, much like real cash baccarat, some tables allow players to serve in the role of the banker.

Learning how exactly to play Pai Gow poker can take some work. Your goal is to create two separate poker hands, and both hands have to beat the banker for the to win. A strong understanding of basic poker hands is a must to be proficient at this casino table game.

How to Play Pai Gow

Having a strong foundation in poker will make learning how exactly to play Pai Gow poker a breeze. But you need not be considered a poker fanatic to take pleasure from playing this game.

Each round of this poker game starts with players making their opening ante bet. These wagers are even money bets and every play must make them in the beginning of the round.

You may also have the choice of placing side bets at the start of each round. These side wagers will change depending on which real money casino you're playing at.

Once every player has made their opening wagers it is time to get your cards. The dealer gives every player seven facedown cards. You can find only 53 cards in the deck, so no more than six players and the dealer can be in a game at once.

Now that you have your cards, you have to divide them into two hands, a two-card and a five-card hand. Your five-card hand must be a better poker hand than your two-card hand.

The final phase may be the showdown. Players compare their two poker hands against the banker?s respective hands. Your two-card and five-card hands must beat the banker?s two-card and five-card hands so as to win.

If only among your hands wins, then the round is really a tie and your opening bet is a push. Any side wagers created by players are also settled before the next round of Pai Gow poker begins.

Advantages of Pai Gow

It will require practice to master all the ins and outs of Pai Gow. However, once you do, you will be able to make best use of all of these benefits.

Relaxed Pace

If you have played poker before, then you know that some hands may take a long time to finish. In real money TEXAS HOLD EM, for example, it is not uncommon for just one hand to last several minutes.

Regardless of the slow pace, most hands of poker are not very relaxing. For the reason that players are competing against one another. Even close friends are your enemy in most poker games.

Pai Gow Poker

Pai Gow maintains the slower pace that's familiar to poker players. However, because everyone has a common opponent in the banker, the atmosphere is much more relaxed.

The slower pace can be a huge benefit for new players. You have time to consider your strategy and don't need to be worried about slowing the overall game down for everyone else.

You Are Only Playing Against the Dealer

Only having to be worried about the banker?s hand is another huge advantage for Pai Gow players. Competing against other players could be a large amount of fun. However, it can also be very difficult to win consistently.

Winning in Pai Gow could be a challenge aswell. However, your it’s likely that improved because you only have to worry about beating one person, the banker.

In theory, you might have the worst hand of any player for the reason that round. But so long as your two hands beat the banker?s hands, you will still walk away successful.

This also eliminates the necessity for bluffing or trying to read your opponents. There is only one round of betting as well, so all of your mental focus can be on crafting the best poker hands possible.

Relatively Low House Edge

If you spend enough time researching casino games, then you will eventually run into the concept of the home edge. This number is normally expressed as a percentage and tells players how much the casino expects to win on average.

For instance, in case a game includes a house edge of 5%, then the casino expects to win 5% of most money bet on the overall game.

Simply put, the lower the house edge, the higher it is for players. Pai Gow poker includes a house edge of roughly 1.46%. This is lower than most other table games that you will find on the casino floor.

For comparison, real money roulette games that use an American wheel have a residence edge of 5.26%. The home edge can be an average, so that you can win or lose a lot more than predicted.

Also, placing side wagers can significantly raise the house edge. Make sure you take this into consideration prior to making side bets in Pai Gow.

Great Game for Small Bankrolls

Another great reason to use your hand at Pai Gow poker is that you don't typically need a large bankroll to play. The size of your bankroll will undoubtedly be affected by the size and amount of bets you plan to make each round.

If you need to make side bets every hand, in that case your bankroll should be larger. Generally, though, you won't require a large bankroll to play.

The main reason because of this is that it's difficult to win or lose any hand in Pai Gow. It is advisable to beat both of the dealer?s hands so as to win. But you should also lose both hands in order to lose your ante bet.

As a result, many of the hands you play in this game will end in a tie. You'll get your original stake back and be able to use it to play the next round of Pai Gow poker.

Are There Disadvantages to Playing Pai Gow?

Playing Pai Gow at top casino sites like Wild Casino is a lot of fun. The overall game supplies a ton of advantages over most other table games. But there are a couple of disadvantages to understand before you begin to play this casino game.

The Slow Pace Is Not for Everyone

The most effective parts of Pai Gow can also be a drawback for a few players. This game?s slow pace of play can be a huge selling point for a few players. However, it is also a major turnoff for those who want to play many hands in a short amount of time.

The slower pace can also impact the money players can earn. Generally in most poker games, your likelihood of ending in a tie with another player are low. But in Pai Gow poker, your ante bets will end in a push a lot more often.

Pai Gow Poker

Playing at a slower pace and ending a higher percentage of hands in a tie really can affect your important thing. It can take a much longer time and energy to rack up a great deal of money playing Pai Gow than other forms of poker.


Another potential issue to consider is that the Pai Gow table only permits seven players, including the banker, at once. Land-based casinos have a limited amount of floor space, so they can only offer so many table games at once.

As a result, you might have trouble finding a seat at the Pai Gow table if the casino is specially busy. On the bright side, there is an easy fix because of this issue.

If you actually want to play Pai Gow, you can actually find it at many of the best casino sites. Wild Casino even has great casino bonuses to help you get started.

DO YOU WANT TO Play Pai Gow Poker?

Playing Pai Gow is a wonderful way to pass the time. The game also offers players several advantages over other popular casino games. You can play this awesome game by registering at our top casino sites today.

Check out our latest blogs for more information about which casino games you should play.I don?t play a great deal of baccarat, nonetheless it?s the first game I introduce new gamblers to. You may wonder why I think it?s the very best game for new gamblers easily don?t play it much anymore.

You?re going to learn all the reasons why I would recommend baccarat on this page. Exactly why I don?t play baccarat around I used to is because I?ve learned the more difficult strategies necessary to play additional games with a better edge.

Listed below are the five reasons why every new gambler needs to play baccarat. Baccarat is probably the easiest games to learn, includes a low house edge, and has a simple strategy. Learn more about these reasons among others below.

1 ? Baccarat IS SIMPLE to Play

Every casino game includes a unique set of rules, and some of them are more difficult to learn than others. One of many easiest forms of games to play in a casino is slots. But baccarat is a simple and easy as slot machines.

When you play slots, all you do is put some money in and push a button. The device takes care of everything else.

When you play baccarat, whatever you do is place a bet using one of three options, and the dealer manages everything else. This is true for the most common forms of baccarat obtainable in casinos; mini baccarat and midi baccarat.

Mini and midi baccarat are played on a table just like a blackjack table, and the casino provides a dealer to handle the game. Traditional baccarat is played on a much bigger table, and the players can participate more in the overall game.

For the easiest type of baccarat, play on a mini or midi baccarat table.

The three betting options are a bet on the dealer hand, a bet on the player hand, and a bet on a tie. As you?re likely to learn shortly, the only real bet you should ever make is on the dealer hand.

2 ? Baccarat Strategy Is Simple

It? not enough for a casino game to be simple. Additionally you want to play a casino game that gives you a decent possiblity to win, and doesn?t deplete your bankroll too fast.

In the casino, the games which are the easiest to play will often have the highest house edge. Games that are designed to be able to use technique to lower the house edge are usually more difficult to learn and play.

Fortunately that baccarat is simple to play and has a simple strategy. As you learned in the last section, baccarat only has three options when you place a bet. I?m going to cover the home edge in a section later on this page to help you learn why this strategy may be the right one.

But for now, all you have to to learn is that the best strategy each time you play baccarat would be to bet on the dealer hand.

Once you bet on the dealer hand, you pay a commission that?s usually set at 5% on every bet you win. This might seem like it makes the banker hand a bad bet, but even with the casino collects the 5% commission, the bet is still the best one available.

In order to bet on the ball player hand every once in awhile it?s not terrible, as you?re going to learn in the section on the house edge. But a bet on the tie is definitely a mistake. With respect to the spend for the tie bet, the house edge is normally over 13%

The tie bet at the baccarat table is among the absolute worst wagers you may make in the casino. You?re better off playing slots than creating a tie bet, and the slots have some of the worst edges in the casino.

In summary, the right strategy when you play baccarat would be to always bet on the banker hand. That is true for just about any baccarat table or game in a casino.

3 ? Games Are ACCESSIBLE

When baccarat was only played on the original bigger tables, many land based casinos didn?t desire to waste the space necessary to provide game. The games which were offered were usually only available in high limit areas, which had minimum bets that were too large for most gamblers.

Casinos eventually figured out they could offer the same game on smaller tables with lower betting limits through the elimination of the option for the players to deal the cards. That is when mini baccarat and midi baccarat started turning up in casinos around the globe.

The original baccarat game continues to be offered in some high limit areas, but there are more mini baccarat and midi baccarat tables available now. And this is true whether you play online or in land based casinos.

Nearly every online casino offers baccarat, and most land based casinos that offer table gaming offer baccarat.

4 ? Baccarat Includes a Low House Edge

Baccarat has a house edge that?s lower than the majority of games offered in the casino. Here?s how the two main baccarat bets build up with other popular games in the casino by house edge.

Baccarat Banker Bet 06%

Baccarat Player Bet 24%

Blackjack .25% to 2%

Craps 36% to 13.9%

Roulette 7% to 5.3%

SLOTS 3% to 13% +

Video Poker .25% to 5%

The banker bet, to arrive at 1.06%, isn?t the lowest house edge in the casino, nonetheless it?s close. Observe that some blackjack games plus some video poker games have a residence edge less than 1%, but none of another popular games are lower than baccarat.

As you learned in a previous section, the strategy for baccarat is extremely simple. Exactly the same can?t be said for playing blackjack or video poker with a minimal house edge.

The first thing you should do to play blackjack with a low house edge is find a table with good rules. As soon as you find a good table, you need to use basic strategy on every hand in order to truly have a low house edge.

If you want to play video poker with a minimal house edge you need to find the right game variation and the proper pay table. And then you will need to bet the five coin maximum bet and always use the correct strategy.

When you?re ready to find the right blackjack or video poker game and utilize the best strategy, they are a better option so far as the house edge. But when you simply want to gamble with a minimal house edge without having to worry about choosing the best situation and utilizing a complicated strategy, baccarat is your best bet.

5 ? Big Online Baccarat Bonus Opportunities

The final reason why you should play baccarat is because of the big online bonuses that many online casinos offer baccarat players.

Almost all of the best online casino bonuses are aimed at slot machine game players. The casinos understand that the slots have a high house edge, and if they can keep carefully the gamblers playing slots long enough the casino is likely to end up with all of the gambler?s money.

Casino bonuses are harder to come by for blackjack and video poker players. Some are available, but most of the bonuses you should use for these games have more restrictions and aren?t as effective as the ones for slot players.

But what most gamblers don?t know is that baccarat players could use the same bonuses as the ones designed for slot machine players. You must read the small print of every bonus before you create a real money deposit, nevertheless, you can find some great online bonuses for baccarat play.

Baccarat is probably the best casino table games for most reasons. It?s very easy to play that you learned all you need to know with this page. Simply get some good casino chips, sit back at the baccarat table, and place a bet on the banker hand.

The game includes a low house edge, and you also already know everything there is to know about utilizing the best strategy. You can find a baccarat game obtainable in most land based casinos and in most online casinos.

Finally, when you play baccarat online you will discover plenty of casinos which are willing to double your deposit amount, or more than double it, so that you can play with a more impressive bankroll.China has had historical influence in the Philippines. The Chinese beliefs of luck, chance, and fate have made gambling in the Philippines a popular source of entertainment.

Gambling isn?t considered a sin by everyone, so it?s not unusual to see nuns or priests in casinos.

The legal age for gambling in the Philippines is 21, and only three games are illegal. Illegal games are masiao, last two, and juetang. A government run lottery and keno can be found in the Philippines.

Currently online gambling is legal in the Philippines, however the current president wishes to revoke all online gambling and ensure it is illegal.

Bingo is one of the most popular games in the Philippines. Bingo can be found in community centers, megamalls, airlines, and restaurants across the country. The average person surviving in the Philippines visits a bingo hall several times weekly and spends between $5 to $10 dollars.

Bingo and other favorite games are available in the casinos in the Philippines on this list.

1. Angeles Casino Filipino

The Angeles Casino Filipino is situated in Angeles City, Philippines and is open all the time24 / 7.

Their games include:



Pula Puti

And slot machines

2. Pagcor Casino

The Pagcor Casino is situated within the City State Tower Hotel in Manila, Philippines and is open all the time24 / 7.

Their games include:


And slot machines

The Tower Caf� is located on the ground floor of the hotel and serves various international and local cuisine.

Ristorante d? amore restaurant serves Italian American cuisine.

Ka Freddie?s Music Bar and Restaurant serves a variety of dishes and drinks and hosts live music nightly.

Citystar Music Lounge is located on the 12th floor of the hotel and offers a complete bar, dance floor, view of the city, and more.

3. Tagaytay Casino Filipino

The Tagaytay Casino Filipino is situated in Tagaytay, Philippines and is open 24 / 724 / 7.

Their games include:




And slot machines

4. Bacolod Casino Filipino

Bacolod Casino Filipino is situated in Bacolod City, Philippines and is open from 8 pm to 4 am daily.

Their games include:





Pai Gow


And slot machines

Table game tournaments and reel tournaments are held various times over summer and winter.

5. Mimosa Casino Filipino

The Mimosa Casino Filipino is located in Angeles City, Philippines and is open from 12 pm to 6 am on weekdays and a day on weekends.

Their games include:





Pai Gow

And slot machines

An 18-hole course, spa, and salon can be found at the attached hotel. The spa and salon is open from 6 am to 12 am daily.

6. Olongape Casino Filipino

The Olongape Casino Filipino is situated in Subic, Philippines and is open from 1 pm to 5 am daily.

Their games include:

Pula Puti



Pai Gow



And slot machines

7. Davao Casino Filipino

The Davao Casino Filipino is situated in Davao, Philippines.

Their games include:

Video poker

And slot machines

8. City of Dreams Manila

The City of Dreams Manila is situated in Paranaque, Philippines and is open all the time24 / 7.

Their games include:

Caribbean Stud Poker


Sic Bo



Lunar Poker

Money Wheel

Texas holdem


Three Card poker


Baccarat 27

And slot machines

The Li Ying Club is really a VIP gaming club with competitive table limits and high stakes. Baccarat and Roulette tables can be purchased in this VIP section.

Restaurants, bars, and lounges include:

Nobu Restaurant ? Japanese

Crystal Dragon ? Cantonese and regional Chinese

Crystal Lounge ? lobby lounge and bar

Breezes ? Western and Asian

Hide Yamamoto ? seafood

Ruby Jack?s Steakhouse and Bar

Red Ginger ? Southeast Asian

The Lounge

Apu ? Filipino

Erwin?s Gastrobar ? Italian

O Kitchen ? exotic oriental cuisine

Prego ? Italian

Wave ? poolside deck

Caf� Society ? gourmet sandwiches

Nobu Lounge ? Japanese lounge offering bento boxes


Rice9 ? Filipino and Korean

CenterPlay ? entertainment bar

The Caf� ? interactive show kitchen

Signature Club ? Asian and international

Li Ying Lounge ? Chinese and Asian

And Li Ying Hin

10 private KTV (karaoke) rooms are available with room sizes which range from 8 to 30 people at a time. Food and beverage serves are offered including three different meal plans or an a la carte menu.

Chaos is an onsite nightclub that offers:

Confetti machines

Kryo sprayers

10 KTV sky boxes

LED curtains

Hydraulic DJ booth

International acts

Full bar

Dance floor

And more

Dream Play is really a family entertainment facility by Dream Works studio. Attractions include:

Fast as Lightning Kung Fu Fighting ? learn Kung Fu with Po

Dream Shop ? gift shop

Dream Theatre ? 4-D shows

Dream Tales Library ? storytelling comes to life with puppets

Dream Studio ? make your personal animated film

Dino Trux ? Learn to build Reptools

Afro Circus ? multi level play area

How exactly to Fly Your Dragon ? find dragons with Hiccup

Gingy?s Kitchen ? make gingerbread men with Gingy

Shrek?s Sw amp ? help Shrek find his keys

Wall of Destiny ? wall climbing

And Chez Gingy ? la carte restaurant

Three hotels can be found to choose from including Crown Towers Manila, Nobu Hotel Manila, and Hyatt Hotel. Crown Towers and Nobu Hotel offers a spa, fitness center, and pool. The Hyatt Hotel offers a salon and pool.

9. Thunderbird Resorts & Casino Poro Point

The Thunderbird Resorts & Casino Poro Point is situated in La Union, Philippines and is open 24 / 724 / 7.

Their games include:




Super Six

And slot machines

Olives Restaurant serves authentic Mediterranean cuisine.

Pianosa Deli Caf� serves gourmet deli products, fresh pastries, coffee, tea, and wine.

Ouzo Restaruant serves a mixture of Mediterranean and Asian cuisine.

Hotel amenities include:


Beach club



Zaphira Spa

Basketball court


Dry cleaning

Fitness room

And more

10. Thunderbird Resorts & Casino Rizal

The Thunderbird Resorts & Casino Rizal is situated in Rizal, Philippines and is open 24 / 724 / 7.

Their games include:

Pai Gow




Texas holdem


And slot machines

Olives Restaurant serves Pinoy and Mediterranean cuisine.

Hotel amenities include:


Bike trail

Paintball grounds

Archery range


Dry cleaning


Zaphira Spa


Business center

And more

11. Okada Manila

The Okada Manila hotel and casino is situated in Paranaque, Philippines and is open all the time24 / 7.

Table games include:


Pai Gow

Three Card poker

Samurai War

Texas holdem



Let It Ride



Sic Bo

Okada Stud poker

Blackjack Switch

Lunar poker

Electronic games include:





Big Wheel


Sic Bo

Horse racing

And slot machines

Restaurants, lounges, and bars include:

Lobby lounge

Japanese Kappou Imamura

Red Spice


Medley Buffet

Ginza Nagaoka

And 15 more dining options

The Fountain is really a water attraction that?s as big as 50 Olympic size pools and cost a total of $30 million to create. The Fountain features an underwater stage that allows for performing to check like they?re walking on water. It features:

2,000 lights


Underwater robots

High fidelity speakers

700 high powered jets

And more

Fountain shows are held Sunday to Thursday every half hour from 6 pm to 10 pm and Friday and Saturday every half hour from 6 pm to 12 am.

World of Wonders is an entertainment groups with implies that celebrate Philippines and Japanese culture. They perform at the lobby lounge Wednesday, Thursday, and Sunday from 4 pm to 8 pm and Friday and Saturday from 3 pm to 9 pm. They perform on the underwater stage in the fountain at 8 pm on Friday to Sunday. The producer of the World of Wonders crew formally worked with Cirque du Soleil.

Cove Manila can be an indoor beach club / nightclub in a 90 meter tall dome. The 9,000 sq ft area is large enough to carry 5,500 people. The temperature is controlled to create it feel like summer year around in the dome. Amenities include:

Butterfly shaped pool

33 cabanas

Swim up bar

Infinity Jacuzzi

Sand deck

5 bars

20 service wells

And more

The Retail Boulevard and Crystal Corridor are shopping areas that are available onsite and that are home to over 50 pop-up boutiques from premium retail shops to luxury brands. They?re open Sunday through Thursday from 10 am to 12 am and Friday and Saturday from 10 am to 2 am.

Hotel amenities include:

Floral shop



Fitness center


Dry cleaning



And more

12. Networld Hotel, Spa & Casino

The Networld Hotel, Spa & Casino is located in Pasay, Philippines and is open all the time24 / 7.

Their games include:



And 224 slots

Le amoretto Caf� Bar and Restaurant serves a range of cuisine including their best selling Japanese Spaghetti that is a combination of the classic Italian dish with Japanese soy sauce. A live pianist and lounge singer is present on weekdays from 8 pm to 11 pm.

Kaishu Restaurant serves authentic Japanese food with over 300 dishes open to choose from. They?re open from 11 am to 2 pm and 5 pm to 12 am daily. 16 VIP rooms are available for private meals.

Hotel amenities include:

Mini bar


Dry cleaning


And more

13. Midori Clark Hotel and Casino

The Midori Clark Hotel and Casino is situated in Angeles City, Philippines and is open all the time24 / 7.

Their games include:




And slot machines

Toscana Dining serves international cuisine and is open from 6 am to 10:30 am for breakfast daily, from 11 am to 2 pm for lunch every Saturday and Sunday, and from 6 pm to 10 pm for supper every Friday through Sunday.

The Baccus Loung supplies a full bar, sky views, and a caf� all in a cozy atmosphere. They?re open from 2 pm to 10 pm daily with seating for up to 20 people.

Cigar Maduro provides a wine cellar and cigar for each guest and serves a range of cognacs along with other expertly crafted drinks. They?re open from 5 pm to 2 am daily.

Caf� Midori serves snacks, desserts, and drinks. They?re open 24 / 724 / 7.

The Baci Bar is situated pool side and serves snacks and drinks. They?re open from 9 am to 10 pm daily.

Hotel amenities include:


Fitness center



Festa hall

Sky bridge

Mahjong room

Dry cleaning

And spa center

14. Waterfront Airport Hotel & Casino Mactan

The Waterfront Airport Hotel & Casino Mactan is situated in Cebu, Philippines and is open all the time24 / 7.

Their games include:



Big Small

Super 6

Red White



Pai Gow

And stud poker

Uno is a buffet restaurant serving international cuisine. They?re open from 6 am to 11 pm daily.

The Lobby Lounge is open 24 / 724 / 7 and serves snacks, cocktails, and a cake of the month. Nightly live music is held.

Caf� Fortuna is open 24 / 724 / 7 and serves international cuisine. It?s located in the casino.

Hotel amenities include:

Business center




Dry cleaning


Shopping arcade


And more

15. Waterfront Hotel & Casino Cebu City

The Waterfront Hotel & Casino Cebu City is situated in Cebu City, Philippines and is open all the time24 / 7.

Their games include:


Stud poker


Super 6



Pai Gow

Red White

Big Small

And craps

Uno can be an international buffet restaurant. They?re open from 5:30 am to 10:30 am for breakfast, from 12 pm to 2:30 pm for lunch, and from 6 pm to 10:30 pm for supper daily.

The Lobby Lounge hosts live music nightly from 6:30 pm to 11:15 pm and serves pastries, ice cre am, teas, and coffees. They?re open Sunday through Thursday from 7 am to at least one 1 am and Friday and Saturday from 7 am to 2 am.

La Gondola can be an Italian restaurant that specializes in wooden brick oven pizza. They?re open from 11 am to 10:30 am daily.

Tin Gow is really a Chinese restaurant that specializes in Szechaun and Cantonese cuisine. They?re open from 11 am to 2:30 pm for lunch and from 6 pm to 10:30 pm for dinner daily.

Mizu is a Japanese restaurant. They?re open from 11 am to 2:30 pm for lunch and from 6 pm to 10:30 pm for dinner daily.

Treff is really a private balcony area that?s designed in every white and glass and has full bar. Reservations are needed.

Madeleine is a French pastry shop that serves fresh baked bread, deserts, drinks, and much more. They?re open from 7 am to 11:30 pm daily.

Caf� Fortuna is a caf� restaurant that?s open 24 / 724 / 7.

Pool Aquarius is a poolside bar that?s open Sunday through Thursday from 6 am to 9 pm and Friday and Saturday from 6 am to 10 pm.

Duty Free Philippines is a shopping experience center with first class products. They?re open from 10 am to 10 pm daily.

Citigym is open 24 / 724 / 7 and will be offering fitness programs including:

Belly dance

Fitness boxing

Cardio hip hop


Mixed martial arts

Personal training


Retro dance mix


Sports performance training

Swim training

And TRX suspension training

Hotel amenities include:


Business center


Massage center


Dry cleaning

And more

16. Royce Hotel & Casino

The Royce Hotel & Casino is situated in Angeles City, Philippines and is open all the time24 / 7.

Their games include:



Pai Gow

And slot machines

The Lounge serves Cosmopolitan cuisine and is open from 6 am to 10 pm daily.

Amare by Chef Chris is a two story Italian restaurant with a VIP seating sectional available. They?re open from 11 am to 11 pm daily.

The Empire Bar and Lounge serves Western and Asian cuisine and offers a full bar. They?re open 24 / 724 / 7.

Caf� Majestic restaurant serves Asian cuisine and is located on the second floor of the casino. They?re open all the time24 / 7.

17. Solaire Resort & Casino

The Solaire Resort & Casino is located in Paranaque, Philippines and is open 24 / 724 / 7.

Their games include:


Texas holdem

Caribbean Stud poker



Sic Bo

Lucky Ball Roulette

Busting blackjack

Sabong Cards

And slot machines

Restaurants, bars, and lounges include:

Red Lantern ? fine dining Chinese

Yakumi ? fine dining Japanese

Kiwa ? fine dining barbeque

Finestra ? fine dining Italian

Oasis Garden Caf�

Lucky Noodles ? Asian

Fresh ? international buffet

Waterside ? Latin inspired

Solaire Pool Bar & Grill

Eclipse ? live entertainment

Dragon Bar

The Macallan Whisky Bar ? VIP exclusive

And House of Zhou ? VIP exclusive

A theatre with 1,740 seats is available onsite with regular entertainment scheduled.

Hotel amenities include:

Sky shooting range




Dry cleaning


And a shopping center

18. Widus Hotel and Casino

The Widus Hotel and Casino is situated in Clark, Philippines and is open 24 / 724 / 7.

Their games include:


Money Wheel




Super 6 Baccarat

Texas holdem

Lunar poker

Caribbean stud

And slot machines

Slot machines include:

Life of Luxury

Good Fortune

Duo Fu Dou Cai

Racing Tycoon


Mega Manny

Fortune Tree

Brother of Fortune


Dragon Riches

LOL Deluxe

And LOL multigames

Three separate VIP gaming areas are available with games including Baccarat and Super 6.

Restaurants, bars, and lounges include:

Pool bar

The Lounge

Prism Lounge

Malt Bar

Peppers 21

And Salt Restaurant

Hotel amenities include:


Dry cleaning




Business center


Sundry shop

And more

19. Winford Hotel & Casino

The Winford Hotel & Casino is located in Manila, Philippines and is open all the time24 / 7.

Their games include:


Sports book

Race book




Sic Bo

Big Small

Pai Gow

Stud poker

And slot machines

Copa De Manila restaurant serves Filipino and Spanish cuisine. They?re open from 6 am to 10:30 pm daily.

Choi Garden & Hawker Center is a two story restaurant that serves Chinese cuisine. They?re open from 11 am to 10:30 pm daily.

The Hippodrome Bar & Lounge is open 24 / 724 / 7. Live entertainment is scheduled regularly.

A poolside bar is available from 8 am to 10 pm daily.

Hotel amenities include:


Fitness center




Dry cleaning

Business center

And more

20. Midas Hotel and Casino

The Midas Hotel and Casino is situated in Pasay, Philippines and is open 24 / 724 / 7.

Their games include:




Stud poker

And slot machines

VIP gaming is available for guests who reserve the Penthouse Suites.

Yanagi Japanese Cuisine serves authentic Japanese cuisine in an informal atmosphere. Their menu includes sushi, teppan, and their signature bento boxes. They?re open from 11 am to 2:30 pm and from 6 pm to 10 pm daily.

Midas Caf� serves international cuisine including Western to Filipinas and everything among. They?re open from 6 am to 10:30 pm daily and have a casual atmosphere.

2702 Lobby Lounge serves a variety of liquors and cocktails plus some light snacks. They?re open from 8 am to 12 am daily.

Hotel amenities include:


Dry cleaning

Business center

Fitness center

MYE boutique


And more


The Philippines casinos offer the best of Philippine gambling, cuisine, and relaxation. This set of 20 casinos including information about fine dining and shopping can assist you plan the next trip.
