Mi-24V Flight Manual part 1

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1.3 Check systems before start engine

1.3.5 Pilot had to turn on batteries an check their voltage value

Turn on [LEFT BATTERY][ЛЕВ.], [LEFT BATTERY][ПРАВ.], [BATTERIES SUPPLY][СЕТЬ НА АККУМУЛЯТ.], [N1 FUEL TANK PUMP][ЛЕВ. №1] and [N2 FUEL TANK PUMP][ПРАВ. №2] switches (voltage gauge should indicate at least 24 volts when DC test selector switch in [Batteries][АККУМ.] position), turn off [BATTERIES SUPPLY][СЕТЬ НА АККУМУЛЯТ.], [N1 FUEL TANK PUMP][ЛЕВ. №1] and [N2 FUEL TANK PUMP][ПРАВ. №2] switches.

Command ground crew to connect ground AC power supply and turn on [AC GROUNDFEED][АЭРОДР. ПИТАН.] switch, check that [GROUND FEED][РОЗЕТКА ВКЛ.] lamp is lights, ensure that voltage gauge indicates 200-208 volts when AC test selector switch in any position except [Off][ОТКЛ] and “115”.

Set “115” and “36” transformers switches to [MAIN][ОСНОВНОЙ] position, rectifiers switches to [ON][ВКЛ.] position and check that corresponding lamps above switches are off.

1.3.6 If AC ground feed is not available

Command ground crew to connect ground DC supply.

Set [DC GROUNDFEED][АЭРОДР. ПИТАН.] and [BATTERIES SUPPLY] in [ON][ВКЛ.] position, [GROUND FEED][РОЗЕТКА] lamp should lights. Turn on [PO-750A 115 CONVERTER][ПО-750А] switch and check that [PO-750 OPRT][ВКЛ. ПО-750А] lamp is lights.

1.3.7 If no any ground supply available

Turn on and check batteries voltage, turn on [PO-750A 115 CONVERTER][ПО-750А] switch and check that [PO-750 OPRT][ВКЛ. ПО-750А] lamp is lights.

1.3.8 After power supply is connected

- adjust seat and pedals position (eyes should be on same level as marks on the canopy);

- check warning lamps operation by choosing proper state for [Lamps brightness][ДЕНЬ-НОЧЬ] switch; press [Lamps test][КОНТРОЛЬ] button and ensure that all lamps are lights;

- ensure, that external landing gears lights switch are turned on, command to tech crew member to check their operation;

- ensure that wheels brakes are operate properly (after engaging wheels brakes red warning lamp [PARK BRAKE][ТОРМОЗ КОЛЕС] is lights, there is should be no any air leakage sounds present, warning lamp should goes out when wheel brakes disengaged);

- check Pilot's door and jettison handle condition;

- close the door and command to Operator close canopy;

- receive Operator's report that canopy closed, open doors pressurization valve, [CKPT SEALED][ДВЕРИ ЗАГЕРМ.] lamp should lights.

If external temperature below – 35*C open doors pressurization valve only after cockpit will be warmed to avoid misting of the canopy glass;

- check fuel quantity in the tanks and ensure that fuel indicator works properly;

- if external temperature below + 5*C turn on pitot tubes heater by turning on switches [ОБОГРЕВ ППД ЛЕВ.], [ОБОГРЕВ ППД ПРАВ.] not longer than 1 minute, warning lamps [ОБОГРЕВ ЛЕВ. НЕИСПР.] and [ОБОГРЕВ ПРАВ. НЕИСПР.] shouldn't lights;

- turn off pitot tubes heater;

- if automatic ice detection system is installed, check main/tail rotors anti ice system supply by switching [КОНТРОЛЬ ПОС] to [АВТОМ.] position, [АВТОМАТ КОНТРОЛЬ ПОС] lamp should lights and after 1 sec – [ПОС НВ РВ НЕИСПР.]. After testing turn off [КОНТРОЛЬ ПОС] switch.

- ensure that engine and gears control gauges are works properly, for that set [DIM TRANSFORMER][ТРАНСФОРМ. ДИМ] switch to [AUX][РЕЗЕР.] position and ensure that gauges needles are moved and yellow lamp [DIM TRANSF][ОСН. ТРАНС. ДИМ ОТКЛЮЧ.] is lights. After checking set [DIM TRANSFORMER][ТРАНСФОРМ. ДИМ] switch to [MAIN][ОСН.] position;

- ensure, that safety cap of [УПРАВЛ. НА СЕБЯ] switch are closed;

1.4 Preparing to engines start

1.4.1 If wind velocity less than 10m/s engines can be launched at any relative heading.

If wind velocity is 10-25m/s helicopter should be turn against wind.

ATTENTION: if wind velocity more than 25m/s engine start is prohibited.

1.4.2 Avoid engine launch on sand or dust surface

If it happens, watered area close to helicopter.

1.4.3 Disengage rotor brake

Command to tech crew member to turn main rotor so there is will be no blade above APU exhaust.

1.4.4 Check control handles and set them in proper position

- rudder to lower position;

- throttle grip to the left;

- engines throttle handles to middle “locked” position;

- cyclic handle move backward on 60mm and engage wheels brakes.

1.4.8 Ensure that generator switches a turned off

Warning lamps [L GEN INOPRT][ЛЕВ. ГЕН. ОТКЛ.] and [R GEN INOPRT][ПРАВ. ГЕН. ОТКЛ.] are lights.

1.4.9 Prepare fuel system

Open consumption fuel tanks valves, engines fire valves, fuel separator valve, turn on fuel pumps [N1 FUEL TANK PUMP][ЛЕВ. №1], [N2 FUEL TANK PUMP][ПРАВ. №2], [N4 FUEL TANK PUMP][№4] and [N5 FUEL TANK PUMP][№5]; check that warning lamps above relative switches has lighted up (goes out).

If external fuel tanks are attached turn on [ПОДВЕСН. БАКИ] switch and ensure that [ПЕРЕКАЧ. РАБОТАЕТ] lamp is lights. If fuel tank №3 is not full [ВЫКЛЮЧИ ПЕРЕКАЧ.] lamp can lighted up for a moment.

1.6 APU start

1.6.1 Set APU mode switch to [ЗАПУСК]

Set DC voltage selector switch to position related current power supply type ([APU GEN][ГЕНЕР. АИ-9В] switch should be turned off), set [APU START MODE][РОД РАБОТ] switch to [START][ЗАПУСК] position. Command to tech crew member “APU start up”. When acknowledge received press [START APU][ЗАПУСК] button for 2-3 seconds, turn on stopwatch and wait until [AUTOMAT WORKING][АВТОМАТ ВКЛЮЧЕН] lights up. When APU reach normal RPM lamps [APU RPM][ОБОРОТЫ АИ-9В НОРМАЛЬН.], [AUTOMAT WORKING][АИ-9В РАБОТ.] and [APU OIL PSI][ДАВЛЕН. МАСЛА НОРМАЛЬН] lights up.

1.6.2 While start up processing check next values:

- exhaust air temperature should be less than 880*C;

- DC currents shouldn't be less than 18 volts;

- normal oil pressure can be indicated by [APU OIL PSI][ДАВЛЕН. МАСЛА НОРМАЛЬН] light; at the beginning of APU start blinking of this lamp can happen;

- time of reaching idle RPM shouldn't be more than 20 seconds;

- time of automatic start panel working should be less than 30 seconds, check on [AUTOMAT WORKING][АИ-9В РАБОТ.] lamp goes out.

1.6.3 After APU reach normal RPM ensure that:

- green lamp [APU RPM][ОБОРОТЫ АИ-9В НОРМАЛЬН.] is lights;

- exhaust air temperature is less than 720*C;

- lamp [APU OIL PSI][ДАВЛЕН. МАСЛА НОРМАЛЬН] is lights, that indicates normal pressure of AI-9V engine.

1.6.4 Check APU generator before flight day

Turn on [APU GEN][ГЕНЕР. АИ-9В] switch. Output voltage should be 28-29 volts, exhaust temperature not more than 750*C.

After generator test is over turn off [APU GEN][ГЕНЕР. АИ-9В] switch.

1.6.5 APU air pressure

Can be monitored by manometer indication at left panel of Pilot's cockpit and should be within the values from graph 1.3 depends on external air temperature and density.

1.8 Engine start

1.8.1 Engine start, warm up and testing of gears, on-board systems testing on running engines

Can be performed only by Pilot, any helicopter displacements not allowed.

1.8.4 Ensure, that control handles moved to starting position.

Set [ENGINE START MODE][РОД РАБОТ] switch to [START][ЗАПУСК] position, [ENGINE SELECTOR][ЗАПУСК ДВИГАТ.] switch to [RIGHT][ПРАВЫЙ] or [LEFT][ЛЕВЫЙ]. Command to tech crew member “Start engine”. After acknowledge received press [START ENGINE][ЗАПУСК] button for 1-2 seconds and move relative shutoff fuel valve to lower position.

Compressor should reach idle RPM for 60 seconds.

1.8.5 While start up processing ensure that:

- automatic start panel operate properly, lamp [AUTOMAT WORKING][АВТОМАТ ВКЛЮЧЕН] is lights;

- air starter operate indicated by [ENGINE START][СТАРТЕР РАБОТАЕТ] lamp;

- compressor RPM increasing continuously (without freezing) and main rotor start to spin from 25% compressor revolutions;

- air temperature before compressor increasing, limits from graph. 1.4 shouldn't be exceeded.;

- sufficient oil pressure indicated by manometer on front panel, at 45% compressor revolutions pressure should be more than 1 kgs/cm2;

- starter shut down after compressor reach idle RPM, [ENGINE START][СТАРТЕР РАБОТАЕТ] lamp goes out; if it doesn't happen shut down starter manually by pressing [ENGINE STARTER SUSPEND][ПРЕКРАЩ. ЗАПУСКА] button; if [ENGINE START][СТАРТЕР РАБОТАЕТ] lamp still lights, close shutoff valve of running engine and shut down APU by pressing [STOP APU][ОСТАНОВ АИ-9В] button;

- operate time of automatic start panel can be monitored by active [AUTOMAT WORKING][АВТОМАТ ВКЛЮЧЕН] light, that shouldn't exceed 33 seconds from lights up moment.

1.8.6 After compressor reach idle RPM check next values:

- compressor RPM depends on external air temperature and should be in limits, specified in graph. 1.4;

- air temperature before compressor shouldn't exceed 780*C;

- engine oil pressure should be more than 0.5kgs/cm2, oil temperature – more than -40*C.

1.8.7 Toggle engine selection switch and repeat actions 1.8.1-1.8.5 to start second engine.

1.8.8 After second engine reach idle RPM

Check main rotor revolutions that should be in the limits 45-65%.

1.8.9 Shut down APU

Press [STOP APU][ОСТАНОВ АИ-9В] after it cooling for 0.5-1 minute.

If electrics system was supplied from batteries, do not shut down APU until engines will warm up and throttle increased (rotor revolutions reach 88%), for supplying necessary equipment turn on APU generator by moving [APU GEN][ГЕНЕР. АИ-9В] switch to [ON][ВКЛ] position.

1.11 Activating generators and testing on-board equipment

1.11.1 Ensure, that main rotor revolutions is 95±2%

If it's needed adjust throttle grip to reach required revolutions.

1.11.2 Switch supplying from ground power units on on-board generators

- turn on [LEFT GEN][ЛЕВ] and [RIGHT GEN][ПРАВ] AC generators switches, lamps [L GEN INOPRT][ЛЕВ. ГЕН. ОТКЛ.] and [R GEN INOPRT][ПРАВ. ГЕН. ОТКЛ.] should go out and [AC GEN OPRT][ПАРАЛЛЕЛ. РАБОТА ГЕНЕР.] will light up. Turn off [AC GROUNDFEED][АЭРОДР. ПИТАН.] switch;

- command to ground crew to disconnect ground feed;

- check generators output voltage, that should be 203-204V for any AC test selector switch position except [Off][ОТКЛ] and [115].

ATTENTION: after generators connected as power supplies, prohibited to decrease main rotor evolutions below 86%, otherwise generators will be shut down automatically.

1.11.3 If DC ground supply or on-board batteries was used

After generators started to operate perform the following steps:

- activate automatic direction finder by turning on [ADF][КУРС. СИСТЕМА] switch and check it's operation, for this set [ADF MODE][МК — ГПК — ЗК] switch to [Magnetic slaving][МК] position and press [СОГЛАСОВАНИЕ] button. Heading disc should indicate current azimuth;

- turn on both gyros by turning on [MAIN GYRO][ГИРОВЕРТИКАЛ. 1] and [AUX GYRO][ГИРОВЕРТИКАЛ. 2] switches, check gyros operation with artificial horizons PKP-72M and UKT-2. Warning lamps [GYRO 1 FAIL][ОТКАЗ ГИРОВЕР. 1] and [GYRO 2 FAIL][ОТКАЗ ГИРОВЕР. 2] should go out, red flags of PKP-72M and UKT-2 disappear, actual pitch and roll angles indicated properly;

1.13 Radio equipment testing

Radio equipment tests should be made before every flight day (night).

1.13.1 To enable radio equipment:


- set ARK-15 MODE selector switch in required position (Compass), switch on control panel of 020M device – in [ПИТАНИЕ] position;

- turn on [ARK-U2 POWER][ВКЛ] switch on control panel of ARK-U2 radio compass.

1.13.2 Follow next steps to test radio equipment:

- radio station R-860/R-863, “Evkalipt-M24” and “Karat-M24”/“Yadro-1G” - by exchanging messages with other radio stations, or if there are no any available – by self-listening or listening background noise noise. For radio stations test set [SPU-8 MODE][РАД.-СПУ] switch of SPU-8 panel to [External][РАД.], mode selector switch – to [VHF1][УК1] or [MW][СР] position. To toggle from receiving mode to transmitting, press [СПУ-РАДИО] button on cyclic handle to second click. [R-860-1 MODE][АРК Р/СТ — Р/СТ] switch on R-860/R-863 radio panel set to [ADF + RADIO][АРК Р/СТ] only in case listening of beacons callsign, radio communication on HF range or joint work with ARK-U2. In this case received signal from R-860/R-863 will be will be heard in any SPU-8 mode switch position. In R-863 testing process ensure that green lamp on radio panel is lights when signal receiving on emergency channel, if [AP] switch in higher position also received signal will be heard. Also command radio signals should be heard on main channel. After testing set [АП] switch in lower position.

- voice warning system RI-65 – as sound quality of warning message after [ПРОВЕРКА] button was pressed on RI-65 control panel, message “RI-65 operate” will be played twice in headphones.

While message playing press [ОТКЛ.] button, message should be interrupted. Press and hold [ПОВТОР] button more than 1 second, same message should be repeated twice;

- radio altimeter RV-5 should indicate altitude value 15±1.5 when [RADIO ALTIMETER TEST][КОНТРОЛЬ] button is pressed. Adjust safe altitude value with [RADIO ALTIMETER SAFE ALT][УСТАН.ВЫСОТ.] on RV-5 gauge.

In the flight voice message “Lower the gears” appears if adjusted altitude limit reached and forward velocity less than 70km/h;

- check radio compass ARK-15 received signal quality and stable direction finding with known beacons in range less than 50km. For that set mode switch on SPU-8 panel to [РК1] position, mode switch on ARK-15 panel in required position ([COMPASS][КОМ], [АНТ.] or [РАМ.]) and left handle on RMI-2 device to position, when [АРК1] flag appears in small window;

- check radio compass ARK-U2 for quality of joint work with emergency radio R-855U, or if it not installed - for background noise when SPU-8 mode switch in [РК2] position;

- check device 020M for active lamps [КНОТР. ПИТ.], [КОД. ВКЛ.] and possible [ИЗЛУЧ.] flashing. To disable device set [ПИТАНИЕ] switch in higher position;

- device 6201 – [ОТКАЗ СРО] lamp not active, [КД] lamp is lights. To activate device turn on [СРО] switch on the left Pilot panel;

1.13.3 Check Doppler navigation system DISS-15

- set DISS mode selector on control panel to [Memory][ПАМЯТЬ] position;

- set [DISS SURFACE TYPE][С-М] and [DISS DRIFT TEST][К-Р] switches on drift indicator to [Land][С] and [Operate][Р];

- turn on [DISS][ДИСС] switch, lamp indicators [КОНТР.], [М] and [В] should lights up, on drift indicator – [П] lamp;

- check system operation in calculation mode by moving DISS-15 mode selector switch to position Test 1, Test 2 and Test 3;

- check DISS-15 operation in “Sea” mode, moving [DISS SURFACE TYPE][С-М] switch to [Sea][М] position and mode selector switch to Test 1 position. Forward velocity value will be increased 3 km/h.

Left [DISS SURFACE TYPE][С-М] switch in [Land][С] or [Sea][М] position depending on surface in mission area;

- check position indicator operation - set to zero [DISS DISTANCE][ПУТЬ КМ], [DISS DRIFT][БОКОВОЕ УКЛОНЕНИЕ КМ], [УГОЛ КАРТЫ] counters with buttons [BCWD][Н], [FWD][В], [LFT][ВЛ], [RGHT][ВПР], “-” and “+”. While DISS-15 mode selector switch in Test 1 position press [DISS counters on][ВКЛ.] button on indicators panel (for 5 minutes counter [FWD][ВПЕРЕД] should show 11.3 km);

- check “Memory” mode – set mode selector switch to [Memory][ПАМЯТЬ] position. Forward velocity indicator should change not more than ±9 km/h, drift angle – less than ±3*. Lamp [П] on drift indicator will light up at same time.

Set [DISS DRIFT TEST][К-Р] switch to [Operate][Р] position;

- check map-case operation for movement of caret when [MAP-CASE POWER][ВКЛ.-АВТ.-ОТКЛ.] switched in [ON][ВКЛ.] position and [DISS counters on][ВКЛ.] button on counters panel is pressed. After tests are finished set [MAP-CASE POWER][ВКЛ.-АВТ.-ОТКЛ.] to [OFF][ОТКЛ.].

Set DISS-15 mode selector switch to [OPERATE][РАБОТА] position.