Ukraine war Why so many Russians turn a blind eye to the conflict

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As concern grows that Russia will invade Ukraine, BBC correspondents gauge the public mood in Moscow and Kyiv on whether the crisis could lead to a wider war in Europe. For Russians this all brings back memories of what happened when President Putin annexed Crimea in 2014 and people queued for hours to get cash. Russian companies could end up cutting hours or stopping production as sanctions bite. As well as their savings falling in value, many Russians are predicted to lose their jobs as the economy reels from being cut off from financial markets in the West. But by Monday customers of Russia's biggest state-backed bank, Sberbank, told BBC Russian they could not order cash via the app at all - they had to go to its office and sign a form to do so.

  • She supports our president, despite the fact that her whole family is still over there.

  • The Polish prime minister’s visit to Ukraine represents a step towards rapprochement between the two countries after border blockades by Polish truckers.

  • While 80% of poll respondents say they support Russia's military, some have mixed feelings.

  • These figures were published by the BBC's Russian-language service, which tracks Russian fatalities with the independent Russian media project Mediazona and a team of volunteers using publicly available sources.

  • Now a senior fellow at Johns Hopkins University, Pomerantsev shuttles between Washington, D.C., and Ukraine.

Right now, we cannot withdraw other currencies at ATMs until September. The situation is exacerbated by the fact that the older generation is drowning in propaganda and believes that Putin’s actions are justified. Al Jazeera spoke with five young Russians about their views on the invasion, and how the blowback has affected them. In response, the US, EU, UK and other countries have levelled sanctions, both general and targeted, and doors have closed to Russians around the world, from research institutions to sporting events, in protest at Russia’s invasion. War never leads to anything good and won’t this time either,” – says 18-year-old Tonya, wearing a bag with a hand-stitched "No war" sign.

How do Russian citizens feel about the war in Ukraine? Here’s why it’s hard to tell.

In recent days the value of the Russian ruble has slumped against the dollar, the cost of living for Russians has soared and numerous companies, such as Apple, Disney and Nike, have withdrawn their products from Russia. This man has a certain political style, to which most of the Russian population is already accustomed. He is not a bright leader, and not the tyrant that the opposition paints him as, but he is definitely not the best thing that could happen to Russia.

On the contrary, the people taking to the streets are those against it, despite threats of arrests. The protesters trickle along smaller streets, following location updates from dedicated Telegram channels. The night ends with a 39-year-old man driving a car into the police barriers at Pushkin Square with signs “This is war! Not all forecasts regarding the detrimental impact of the war on Russia's economy had proven accurate, Gudkov said. Oil prices rose in the first year of the conflict, generating more revenue for the Russian state and certain segments of the Russian population. Sectors of the economy necessary for war efforts are working at maximum capacity, and wages in these sectors have doubled.

Ukraine-Russia war live: Russia 'captures Ukrainian village'

It also geolocated combat clashes to the north-west of Bakhmut, west of Donetsk city and south of Robotyne. Russian forces have advanced near the heavily-contested eastern town of Avdiivka, currently held by Ukraine, according to reports. Thank you for following The Telegraph’s live coverage of the war in Ukraine. The irredentist claims to the regions have long been made by Ukrainian nationalists.

  • Then 69 € per month.Complete digital access to quality FT journalism on any device.

  • I want peace, but my grandmother thinks our military is needed to protect Russians in eastern Ukraine.

  • If they are troubled by Russia bombing a city where many have friends and relatives, then they're trying not to show it.

  • “Since we lived in Russia, the war affected us quite a lot.

Volkov says these polls are conducted face-to-face, and people are assured of anonymity. Still, he notes, the survey results reveal at least as much about what people are willing to say in public than about how they truly feel. Going to war is one of Russians’ greatest fears, according to the Levada Center, an independent pollster. And after Mr. Putin’s angry speech and his cryptic televised meeting with his Security Council on Monday, Russians realized that possibility was lurching closer toward becoming reality. For , Russians of all political stripes tuned out American warnings that their country could soon invade Ukraine, dismissing them as an outlandish concoction in the West’s disinformation war with the Kremlin.

Ukraine repels Russian drone attack

Volodymyr Zelensky has claimed six Russian regions were “historically inhabited by Ukrainians”. Permafrost is the permanently frozen ground found across the Arctic. As it thaws, it creates massive problems for infrastructure built on top of it, causing roads to buckle, building foundations to crack and pipelines to break. Western officials have been reluctant to characterize Russian efforts as effective. A top Pentagon official told reporters this week that while Moscow has tried to shatter the lines in eastern Ukraine, it has "not succeeded" in its efforts. One reason why Ukraine's much-anticipated summer counteroffensive failed to produce significant results was that Russia had built a complex network of defensive fortifications throughout Russian-occupied territory in eastern and southern Ukraine.