Deep Cleaning Is Necessary to Extend the Life of Your Carpet

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Carpet can take a beating, especially in high-traffic areas. It's trampled day in and out, covered with food and drink spills, and subjected to general wear and tear. Vacuuming helps, but regular deep cleaning is required to keep it looking its best. The process removes embedded dirt, pet dander and dust mite waste particles that can cause respiratory issues and sinus problems. It also eliminates odors and helps extend the life of your carpet. In fact, many carpet manufacturers will not honor warranties unless you have your wall-to-wall carpet professionally cleaned at least every 12 to 18 months.

There are different ways to clean carpet, including steam cleaning and chemical treatments. While each has its merits, it's important to read the labels on any products you plan to use so you can be sure that they won't damage your specific fiber type or color. You'll want to test any product in a small, inconspicuous area as well. If possible, try to find a natural cleaning method that will be safe for your home or office.

In addition to regular vacuuming, spot cleaning is one of the most important tasks you can perform to keep your carpet looking good between professional treatments. A little routine maintenance and knowing simple cures for stains like red wine and coffee can go a long way to extending the life of your flooring.

When dealing with fresh stains, it's important to start by blotting the affected area with a cloth or paper towel to soak up as much of the liquid or stain as possible. This will help prevent the problem from getting worse, and it may help you avoid having to use harsh chemicals. If the spot is already set in, try using a solution of one part white vinegar and two parts water. This will create a natural chemical reaction with the carpet fibers and draw out the stain. Then, rinse the area with cold water to prevent oversaturation and blot dry.

If the stain is still there, sprinkling baking soda over the area can work to lift it. You can then brush the carpet with a scrub brush to help loosen any remaining soil. Finally, sprinkling the area with white vinegar and rubbing it into the carpet with a scrub brush can break up the stain and pull it up from the ground. Finally, blot the affected area again with clean towels until it is completely dry.

A professional cleaner will use hot water extraction, which involves spraying a hot cleaning solution on your carpet and then using a powerful machine to suck up the solution and the dirt that's trapped in it. If you decide to hire a pro, look for one that is certified by the Carpet and Rug Institute (CRI) to ensure you're getting the best results. carpet clean service of approved professionals is available on the CRI website.

In the meantime, ask your friends and neighbors who they recommend for carpet cleaning, or check out the reviews on a local carpet and upholstery cleaning business's Facebook page. You can even ask for a free sample treatment to see how the cleaner works before you make a decision.