Breaking Down the Different Types of Teeth Whitening Treatments

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Welcome, beautiful readers! Are you dreaming of a pearly white smile that dazzles every time you flash your teeth? There are various teeth whitening treatments available to help you achieve those gleaming white chompers. From traditional at-home whitening kits to professional in-office treatments, the options are plentiful. Let us explore the different types of teeth whitening treatments to find the one that suits your needs best.

Professional In-Office Treatments

Professional in-office teeth whitening treatments are carried out by dentists or dental hygienists in a controlled environment. These treatments typically involve the application of a high concentration of whitening agent, such as hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide, directly onto the teeth. The procedure is usually quick and can result in noticeable results in just one session. During the treatment, the dentist may use a special light or laser to activate the whitening agent and speed up the process. The entire procedure usually takes around 1-2 hours, depending on the specific treatment chosen. One of the benefits of professional in-office treatments is that they are supervised by trained professionals who can ensure that the whitening agent is applied correctly and safely. Additionally, the high concentration of the whitening agent used in these treatments means that results are often more dramatic and longer-lasting compared to over-the-counter options. However, these treatments can be more expensive than at-home alternatives, and some patients may experience temporary tooth sensitivity or gum irritation as a side effect.

At Preston Dental Loft, our experienced team offers a wide range of

teeth whitening solutions to help you achieve a dazzling smile.

At-Home Whitening Options

When it comes to whitening your teeth at home, there are several options available that are convenient and easy to use. One popular at-home whitening treatment is whitening toothpaste, which contains special abrasives and chemicals that help remove surface stains on the teeth. While whitening toothpaste can show gradual results, it may not be as effective at removing deeper stains.

Another at-home whitening option is over-the-counter whitening strips or trays. These products contain a lower concentration of bleaching agents compared to professional treatments, but they can still help improve the color of your teeth with regular use. Whitening strips are thin, flexible strips coated with a bleaching gel that you apply directly to your teeth. Whitening trays are custom-made trays that you fill with a whitening gel and wear over your teeth for a specified amount of time each day.

It's important to follow the instructions provided with at-home whitening products to ensure safe and effective use. While these treatments can help brighten your smile, they may not produce the same dramatic results as professional whitening treatments performed by a dentist.

If you're unsure about which teeth whitening treatment is right for you, consult our dentists for expert advice.

Natural Teeth Whitening Remedies

There are many natural teeth whitening remedies that you can try at home to help brighten your smile. One popular remedy is to mix baking soda with a little water to create a paste, which you can then brush onto your teeth. Baking soda is known for its whitening properties and can help remove stains on the surface of your teeth. Another natural remedy is to use activated charcoal, which is said to absorb toxins and stains from the teeth. You can find activated charcoal in the form of capsules or powder, which can be mixed with water and applied to the teeth. Additionally, using hydrogen peroxide as a mouthwash can also help whiten teeth. Just be sure to dilute the hydrogen peroxide with water to avoid any irritation. Lastly, you can try oil pulling with coconut oil. This involves swishing coconut oil around in your mouth for 15-20 minutes to help remove bacteria and plaque that can cause discoloration. These natural remedies can be a cost-effective and gentle way to whiten your teeth without harsh chemicals.

When it comes to teeth whitening treatments, you have various options to choose from.

Looking to brighten your smile? With a variety of teeth whitening treatments available, it's easy to find one that suits your needs and budget. Whether you opt for an in-office procedure or a take-home kit, Preston Dental Loft in Cary, NC is here to help. Contact us at (919) 467-6111 or visit our website at to schedule a consultation and explore your options for a whiter, more confident smile. Serving not only Cary but also nearby areas such as Apex, Raleigh, Holly Springs, and more, we are dedicated to helping you achieve the smile of your dreams!