RussiaUkraine What do young Russians think about the war RussiaUkraine war

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For a few years, the unprecedented patriotic surge of 2014 served as symbolic compensation for the socioeconomic problems that had already begun. Russians lapped up the real and imaginary threats that were fed to them, and generally assessed military action as justified, defensive, and/or preventative. Russia has opened up at times after moments of calamity and catastrophe. This message has echoed down the centuries and brooks no dissent or prospect for change.

I got a government email saying that we had until March 14 to download all files from Instagram. We have VK (a Russian substitute for Facebook), but it’s not the same. It was rather cheap, but now I want to buy AirPods and they’re really expensive. They were 7,000 roubles and now cost more than 14,000 roubles. There aren’t long lines at ATMs any more, but we saw them a few days ago.

Why do most women still take their husband’s last name when getting married?

One man in his fifties said, “It is now prohibited by law to answer what you think about this topic. But the problem with measuring public opinion in a country under authoritarian rule and censorship, Botchkovar says, is that the data are highly imperfect. The Kremlin is confronting a sensitive issue because the protesting women are the wives of the very people on whom the future of the Ukrainian war depends. Shortly after the mobilization, Putin staged a meeting with several wives and mothers of servicemen who support his cause in Ukraine, although it later emerged that many of them had some connection with the government. In addition, her group calls for greater control by prosecutors and human rights ombudsmen at recruitment points and for compulsory military service to be replaced by social services away from the frontlines.

  • They were not recognised by Ukraine’s central government, whom Ivan blames for what happened next.

  • Twenty-one per cent of TV viewers didn’t know the goal of the operation.

  • While the defence alliance, Nato, and the US warn of an imminent invasion, many people are still unconvinced that war will happen or that it would be to Russia's advantage.

  • The situation has resulted in contacts being terminated for political reasons as a result of changing attitudes towards Russia as a whole.

Yet Volkov added that this tolerance, however passive, is likely to remain quite stable, even strong. “If I watched different channels, I would probably have a different opinion, but I don’t watch them,” she said. It’s not that she doesn’t know alternative information is out there, but that she doesn’t want it, lest her vision of the world come under threat.


It could be their Soviet past, or the government propaganda that has been poured out for so many years, or just that there is too much fear and anxiety to actually allow the thought that the world is different from what they expect. Being far away from them helps because we try to prioritise keeping our relationship intact and caring for each other more than anything. Sometimes I can’t help but try to convince them, which obviously doesn’t work. For the record, they don’t support the war in general, they do want it to stop; however, they can justify it in their heads somehow. “I know activists from other countries and they support Russian activists, but they don’t understand how we can continue to live and work under the war and the current government. There are likely many others who hate Russia, but it must be remembered that it’s necessary to separate the Russian government, a mad machine of repression and destruction, and the people of Russia, who for the most part are not guilty.

Russia responded by illegally annexing Crimea, a section of Ukraine that touches the Russian border on the Black Sea. Russia also supplied military personnel, mercenaries and other resources in support of a small but militant minority of pro-Russian separatists in the largely Russian-speaking cities of Donetsk and Luhansk in Ukraine’s east. More than 14,000 Ukrainians have died since 2014 in fighting in the Donbas. This man has a certain political style, to which most of the Russian population is already accustomed.

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  • A couple walk in front of the Kremlin's Spasskaya Tower and St Basil's cathedral in downtown Moscow.

  • She asked Al Jazeera not to use her full name since she hopes to return home one day.

  • This results in skewed samples and inflates the level of support for the war.

  • But now, two months before the presidential elections, some of those families are starting to become a headache for the government.

  • Romanovsky is also concerned about young Russian scientists who are important to the future of climate research in the region.

Continued approval of the army and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, she added, are key to victory. in two Ukrainians reported in Gallup’s survey that they struggle to afford food and shelter. Experts say that Russia wants to see increasing disillusionment in Ukraine as the war drags on. As for who is to blame for the current situation, in which more than 100,000 Russian soldiers are stationed at the border in a tense standoff with the Ukrainian and Western governments, Lena is unequivocal.

  • Having a prosperous, modern, independent and democratic European state bordering Russia was perceived as posing a threat to Russia’s autocratic regime.

  • Anti-war protests have broken out in scores of cities across Russia, and many have taken to social media to express their shock and anger at the decision to attack a nation whom Russians consider kindred, and where many have family ties.

  • I can do without access to the blocked social media platforms.

  • But local doctors are leaving their jobs in droves, unable to cope with the numbers of war-wounded being brought for treatment in local hospitals.

It's a chokehold - to use a judo term from his favourite sport. That a sledgehammer is now a positive symbol of Russian power in executions captured on camera and posted by MPs on Twitter. Polls suggest the majority of Russians, if not supporting the war, certainly do not oppose it. In Pskov, near the Estonian and Latvian borders, the atmosphere is gloomy and everyone pretends the war has nothing to do with them, I am told.