7 Methods to Win More Playing Poker YOU NEED TO USE Today5 Ways to Improve Your Stud PokerTHE PROFESSIONALS and Cons to become a Gambler

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Poker is still a popular form of gambling, though it isn?t as popular as it was during the poker book. Nevertheless, you can still find plenty of games in poker rooms around the globe, and there are probably a lot more private games available than you can find games in regular poker rooms.

Texas holdem continues to be the most popular type of poker, but it?s available in a variety of configurations. You can play limit or no limit, cash games, small tournaments, and large tournaments. You can play Texas holdem online or in land based poker rooms and in private games.

You can also find less popular variations of poker like Omaha and seven card stud, as well as a few more exotic options. Many of these options offer a chance for smart poker players to find a way to generate a profit.

Here are seven methods for you to start winning more playing poker, and you could start using every one of them today.

1 ? Master One Specialty

One of the worst things you can do until you figure out how to be a consistent winning poker player is play too many different variations. In order to be a winner you have to pick one game in a single format and learn how to be the best you will be.

The game and format you pick isn?t as important as specializing. I played anything and everything when I first learned how to play, and I never got good enough in one area to show an extended term profit. Eventually I started concentrating on pot limit Omaha cash games and stuck with it until I got good enough to win on a frequent basis.

Only then did I start playing other games again, you start with pot limit Omaha 8. Now I still play mostly pot limit Omaha, but if there?s an excellent Texas hold em game I take advantage of it.

Decide which variation and poker format you enjoy the most and concentrate on it until you learn to be considered a consistent winner. It is possible to focus on Texas holdem or Omaha, cash games or tournaments, so long as you stick with a very important factor and master it. In the end this is likely to be more profitable than being a poker generalist.

2 ? Know Your Competition

Once you compete at the poker table you?re competing against the other players. Yet most poker players don?t pay attention to their opponents and miss many profitable opportunities.

Always focus on all your opponents, even when you?re not in a hand. See what you can find out about their strengths and weaknesses and their playing tendencies. Watch for tells and other things you can use in your favor later.

Over time it is possible to build a large knowledge base of your opponents which you can use each and every time you play against them. This can be quite valuable and turn a losing poker player into a winning one quickly.

3 ? Never Give Anything Away

Even though the majority of your opponents aren?t watching how you play, you always have to act as if all you do at the poker player is going to be used against you down the road. Good players are watching the way you play to see should they can grab tells and playing tendencies, which means you need to make sure you never give anything away.

Some players like to show their cards after a big bluff or play, even though they aren?t necessary to do so. Never show your cards if you don't need to at the showdown. Every time you show your cards you give your opponents information they didn?t have.

Real money poker is really a game of limited information and you also have to make decisions based on the limited amount of information you have. The very best players discover how to use the limited information they have to make the very best decisions, so this ought to be your goal.

On the flip side of this, your task is to make it as difficult as you possibly can on your opponents to make smart decisions. Each time one of your opponents makes a blunder it can be profitable for you. For this reason you need to make sure you never give anything away, especially information.

4 ? Pick Your Poison

Poker is among the few gambling opportunities that enable you to pick your opponents. That is a big advantage, yet most poker players never take full advantage of it. Most poker players grab the initial available seat, if they?re playing online or in a land based poker room, and so are at the mercy of chance.

When you do what most poker players do, you might end up at a table filled up with better poker players than you. This helps it be difficult to win. But when you can play at a table filled up with worse players than you it creates it simpler to win.

In an earlier section I covered knowing your rivals. That's where knowing your competition can be quite valuable. If you play at the same place or places often it is advisable to learn who the nice and bad players are.

This way when you?re looking for a table you can pick the one that supplies the best possiblity to win. But you can find other ways to get an idea about the potential benefit from a table aswell.

Poker tables with a high flop percentage are usually filled with weak players. The flop percentage may be the percentage of players who see the flop. A casino game with a flop percentage over 30% is more profitable than one with a flop percentage of 20%.

The best starting submit every type of poker wins an increased percentage of pots than weaker hands. That is important because tables with a high flop percentage have significantly more players with weaker hands seeing every flop.

Some online poker rooms list the flop percentage of their games, but you can also watch a casino game online or in a land based poker room to see how many players are entering each pot. Select a game with a high flop percentage and play with tight starting hand requirements and you have a good possiblity to turn a long term profit.

5 ? Maximize and Minimize

If you need to be considered a winning poker player it is advisable to understand how to maximize your wins and minimize your losses. Which means that when you lose a hand you must lose the least sum of money as possible.

When you?re obtaining the correct pot odds to chase a draw, you wish to invest the minimum amount and soon you hit your draw. Additionally you need to get from every hand where you?re not obtaining the correct pot odds to stay in the hand, and stop chasing unprofitable hands.

On the Other Side of the Coin

Once you win a pot you need to win whenever you can. This means you must make anyone drawing to a good hand pay as much as possible to try to acquire on you.

The way to start is simply to invest less than possible once you?re drawing and bet whenever you can when you?re winning. This doesn?t mean you move all in every time you?re ahead, because sometimes it?s more profitable to keep an opponent in the hand.

As you gain experience you obtain better at minimizing your losses and maximizing your wins. Nevertheless, you have to get started right now, because this is probably the big keys that unlock long term profits for poker players.

Most poker players never learn to minimize and maximize, and most poker players lose over time. If you want to be a losing poker player just do what everybody else is doing. But in the event that you want to be a winning poker player you must start doing some things different than losing players.

6 ? Patience Pays the Bills

Winning poker players have learned how to show patience. They patiently wait for good hands and opportunities to maximize their profits. They know that winning several big pots could make a whole playing session profitable and so are willing to wait for the right opportunities to increase the value of the big hands.

This starts with your starting hand selection. I mentioned within an earlier section that the ball player starting with the best hand gets the best possiblity to win. The only method to start with an excellent hand would be to fold weak and medium hands and wait for truly good hands.

The next thing that winning poker players understand is your position with regards to the dealer button in games like Texas holdem and Omaha poker is vital. You can play more hands for a profit from late position than from early position.

This is because when you play from early position you give your opponents more information because you need to act before they do. From late position, most or your entire opponents have to act before you, so you have more information than they do.

Understanding and using position is profitable for each poker player.

Patience also is necessary when you miss on the flop. Smart poker players simply check and fold if they skip the flop unless they will have a strong draw and are receiving the right pot odds to chase the draw.

When you fold on the flop you save money that can help you maximize your wins in big hands later. Sometimes you miss draws, even though you?re obtaining the correct pot odds. This works out over time since when you get the proper pot odds it?s still profitable in which to stay the hand in the long term.

Finally, winning poker players understand that poker is a longterm game. For a while sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. But in the event that you keep making plays with positive expectation, eventually you?re going to win a lot more than you lose.

I haven?t discussed positive expectation in poker before now on this page, nonetheless it?s related to pot odds. If you don?t know what positive expectation is in poker and how exactly to use it to create more profit, you must learn more about it right now.

Positive expectation found in the correct way may be the only thing that stands between you being truly a winning and losing poker player. The rest on this page is a part of positive expectation and it all works together.

7 ? Never Stop Learning

If you wish to become a profitable poker player you need to continue learning about poker for the others of your life. Even though you master everything there is to learn about rules and strategies, you still need to keep learning as much as possible about your opponents.

You should keep looking for and capitalizing on new games filled with poor players and learn about new strategies and games. Winning poker players are lifelong learners. Create a commitment to never stop learning about poker. The long term profits on return makes continued learning really worth your time.

Playing winning poker isn?t easy, but every poker player can improve their results by following seven steps with this page. When you take time to master a very important factor it pays dividends for the others of your life.

Learning as much as possible about your opponents can help you make smarter playing decisions and can help you pick more profitable games. Patience is the main thing separating winners from losers at the poker table, so begin using it to improve your outcomes today.

Finally, never stop learning. Use pot odd and expected value to create more income now and in the foreseeable future.Texas Holdem is currently the darling of the poker industry at this time. If you?re watching poker on TV, it?s problem Holdem. If you?re at the casino and playing, it?s probably Holdem. Perhaps you?re seeing some crazy tournament?s Omaha game, nonetheless it?s probably TEXAS HOLD EM that you?re experiencing.

Still, long before Texas Holdem was The IT Thing, individuals were playing other types of poker, namely draw and stud poker. Better still, generally, there are poker rooms that will offer a certain amount of tables for these kinds of games. (Of course, you might host a poker night and run them yourself, but that?s another story!)

One thing we do know is that a smaller amount of players can increase your likelihood of walking away with cash.

If scoring some money sounds good for you, here are five methods to improve your stud poker game.


This piece of advice always appears like the biggest, most obvious statement in every of poker advice. If you need to get better, it?s obvious you are likely to need to play more. There is absolutely no greater teacher than cold, hard experience.

However, don?t be too quick to go on quite yet.

There is a solution to my madness this one amount of time in my advice that you ought to start playing the overall game. My assumption on paper this is you are not a regular stud poker player or have not been a regular stud poker player in quite a while.

I happen to fall in the ?not in quite a while? category, though my fascination with the overall game hasn?t waned. The problem is that Texas Holdem may be the game everyone sees on television, so it?s what they want to play and so it?s what casinos offer.

As I started considering getting back to regular stud games, it took me a minute to realize that I had basically forgotten how to play. Unlike draw, the guidelines which always seemed a little more straightforward and completely unlike Holdem, stud shares similarities with TEXAS HOLD EM.

Both games have hole cards that are dealt face down. Both have gradually improving board states that develop as time passes. Both have position predicated on betting, etc.

I came across it just took me a little bit to get back to the stud groove before I could confidently even consider risking real cash playing. I am not suggesting that you will be that way for certain, but it left a strong enough reaction for me that I highly want to suggest getting in some practice games before you play for stakes.

4- Take the amount of Opponents into Account

Like all poker games, the relative value of a hand increases or decreases in line with the number of players at the table. By way of review, each player will probably be dealt one or two cards face down and then a set amount of cards face up (usually a total of five or seven.)

Unlike the communal stack in Texas Holdem, in stud poker each individual?s job would be to make the very best hand of five cards from just the seven these were given. In a lot of games of stud, you will see players get pairs and also sets throughout the course of play even without evaluating their hidden face down cards.

Obviously, the more players sitting at the table, the better chance that someone will have higher cards and stronger hands. Similarly, the more players at the table, the higher chance someone will have excellent hole cards they can use to win.

Therefore, this needs to affect your betting strategy. Because of the additional randomness (and chances to lose) that come from more players, you need to have stronger hands to bet when there are more players. Sure, it may feel great that you will be sitting on a pair of twos or fives in a round of betting, however in an eight person game, there?s an extremely good chance that pair is going to be beat.

In general, if I am trying to figure out how to bet, easily am playing with a great deal of stud players, I wouldn?t bet aggressively unless I had queens or better unless everybody else at the table is just playing skittish.

As the game progresses and I knock a few players out, I would start betting with only a pair of nines based on what I could see from the rest of the table.

3- Put Some of these Texas Holdem Skills to Good Use

Like I said above, just as much as it may appear to be I was insulting Texas Holdem, there are a great number of similarities between stud poker and TEXAS HOLD EM. They both have that part of unseen and seen cards. There?s betting that encircles the table and you can find clear advantages to having position at the table (betting later.)

Therefore, in plenty of cases, the strategies you employ in Texas Holdem carry to stud poker. The way you read other players, the method that you bluff, the abilities you?ve spent estimating the effectiveness of your hand versus the strength of your opponents? hands, and your fine nose for avoiding traps are still very much in play in terms of stud poker.

Use those skills. Just recognize that the actual fact there?s not just a communal pool of cards implies that the probabilities to getting to certain hands are different. More cards will be dealt out over a hand of stud than Holdem and its possible that other players are certain to get the aces and kings you're hoping for. Once that card has been dealt to someone else, it?s lost for you forever.

(Well, at least until the next game.)

2- Like Fashion: You?re Either In Or You Are Out

Fortune favors the bold with regards to stud poker. Due to communal pool of cards in Texas Holdem, that game tends to enable more finessing and trapping other players.

In stud poker, what you are dealt is what you have to make a hand also it?s either good enough to make you some cash or it?s not going to make it and you ought to move on. Therefore, whereas in some poker variants, calling a bet is a good idea because you are going to stay in the game, stud poker differs.

If your hand isn?t sufficient to support a raise, just fold it. If it is strong, create a raise, suck in some chips and make your self some money.

That is true for stud poker because the cards are not communal. You are building your personal stack and you may quickly tell if it's likely to be worth anything compared to what your opponents have. Again, it?s not like Holdem where you might want to hang on and see if an okay hand might win your day.

You will see what cards your opponents have exclusive access to and how they compare to your cards. If your cards aren?t going to ever make a winner, escape the hand and save your valuable chips.

This is always the golden rule. Unless you?re bluffing?

1- Bluff AS IF YOU?ve Never Bluffed Before

In plenty of ways, stud gives you better chances to bluff than most other games. I?ve certainly fallen into the trap before where if I can see a lot of the cards dealt at the table, I start to feel overly confident about the outcome of the overall game. I guarantee others have, too.

Here?s the thing, though, there are several chances for players to build up their guesses regarding the board state. Stud poker offers you more information about the state of the overall game than any variant. It?s easy for you to see up to five cards per player, leaving only two cards missing.

This leads to a situation where you can do you know what other players have and you can make reasonable guesses about what your opponents think you have. They?ll be doing exactly the same, but if you start to bet a certain way that is consistent with your opponents guesses, you may just be able to convince them you have the goods once you don?t.

Consider you're dealt 10-Q-A rather than many kings or jacks are visible on the table. If you start to bid aggressively, you can use those other players assumptions to convince them your hole card is a king and jack. Even though you don?t have it, the information overload helps your bluff.

As always, stud poker is still a phenomenal game very much alive in the home game night and some poker room tables in the united states. Playing the overall game presents its challenges that build on which you learned from other games, but stretching you in new along with other ways.

Hopefully, you give this game a go in the future since it?s a good way to take home a mess of winnings.You may be thinking of becoming a gambler. It?s much more likely that you?re already a gambler, but you?re thinking about taking your hobby to the next level. Either way, you should go into this hobby with a firm grasp of the benefits and drawbacks to be a gambler.

I think a reasonable, sane approach to any activity starts with looking at that activity as it really is. Some hysterical people believe gambling is a sin. They think it leads to all types of evils.

Other people gamble unreasonably. They wager money they are able to?t afford to reduce. They never know when to give up.

Gambling resembles drinking in that respect. It?s fine in moderation, but not everyone are designed for it.

And even for all those that may handle it, gambling might not be worth it. Think about the pros and cons with this list before starting out or taking what to the next level.

The Pros of Gambling

Some of the more Puritanical members of American society might argue that you shouldn?t gamble at all. It?s a sin. It?s bad for society. Blah blah blah.

But they ignore a number of the very real pros to become a gambler:

Pro #1 Gambling is fun.

If gambling weren?t fun, nobody would do it. Far be it from me to forget about the most significant item in the advantages list.

If you?re not having fun when you?re gambling, you?re doing it wrong. Either that, or it just isn?t for you personally. Any moment gambling stops being fun, you need to stop gambling.

Deciding how much fun it is to gamble and whether it?s worthwhile is up to you.

Pro #2 Gambling encourages courage and risk-taking.

I know a guy who worked hard his life time, from the time he was 18 to enough time he was 55 (when he retired). He made an okay living, but he never got rich. He was happy.

He told me a tale once about how exactly he?d been offered employment making 5 times what he was making at the work he worked for 37 years. He turned it down, reasoning that it had been too big a risk. He did all right.

But that?s not the kind of lifestyle I?ve lived. I?m a risk taker. I?ve been rich, and I?ve been poor. I?m confident that when I continue to take thoughtful, courageous risks, I am going to grow my wealth for the others of my life.

Being a gambler encourages these character traits.

Pro #3 Smart gamblers could make profits.

Not all gamblers will get an edge, but the ones that can make plenty of money. Professional sports bettors are most likely the best paid gamblers. Pro poker players do well, too. Card counting could be lucrative, nonetheless it?s a tougher nut to crack compared to the other two.

The only method to consistently profit as a gambler is to stick with wagers where you've got a mathematical edge. Those are tricky to find, but they?re not impossible to come by.

David Sklansky wrote a great book about them called Obtaining the Best of It. It?s well worth reading if you?re interested in ways to get an advantage when gambling.

Pro #4 Thoughtful gamblers can learn lessons from gambling they can apply in other areas of their lives.

Poker players, in particular, can translate lessons from their gambling to real-life situations. Being able to bluff effectively can be quite a huge boon during business negotiations, for example. Learning how to read others and know if they?re lying is also a handy skill to have in the business world.

On a broader level, gambling also teaches us that everything is temporary. That is an important lesson for living a fulfilled life. You can learn this lesson in other ways?in fact, you should. But it?s a lesson that?s likely to be reinforced throughout your gambling career.

Pro #5 Some types of gambling teach patience.

I?m thinking of both poker and blackjack. In poker, you?re more likely to win consistently if you wait for the nice hands before betting. In blackjack, you can create money counting cards. But doing so requires you to wait for the deck to become abundant with 10s and aces.

Some great benefits of patience are obvious.

Pro #6 Gambling can be good for your math skills.

You can improve your math skills without gambling, but it can be more pleasurable to understand math by gambling. Probability is among the best branches of mathematics. It?s also not too difficult to learn, especially when compared to things like trigonometry.

Having the ability to decide which bets are much better than others is about the math. Getting proficient at gambling means getting proficient at math. It?s impossible to become a good gambler if you?re not reasonably fluent in a few basic math.

Pro #7 Gambling stimulates the economy.

The gambling industry is huge. Money spent for the reason that industry employs a large number of people in a large number of destinations. Some individuals don?t like gambling, plus they say it?s bad for society.

But I live close to the WinStar Casino in Oklahoma. I could see how many jobs that business has generated here and near here.

People are going to gamble a proven way or the other. We may as well keep carefully the money in the mainstream economy in order that the revenue could be taxed and used to benefit the general public.

The Cons of Gambling

Of course, I've some self-interest with regard to stoking your enthusiasm for gambling. In the end, I?m a writer working in the industry. If you?re interested in gambling as a hobby, you?re more likely to desire to read what I?ve written. Without an audience, I?m sunk.

But I?d be remiss in my own duties easily didn?t cover a few of the reasons you will possibly not want to gamble:

Con #1 Gambling could be addictive.

I used to be skeptical of the claims that gambling could be addictive. Because you?re not putting a substance within your body, you can?t become influenced by it.

That has been a short-sighted view of the situation. Any minimal quantity of research into what goes on to an individual?s brain chemistry when they?re gambling makes it clear that gambling can be in the same way addictive and damaging as alcohol or drugs.

Con #2 Almost all gambling activities put you at a mathematical disadvantage.

This is also true of casino games. The bets don?t pay back at the same probability of winning them. The difference between those odds is the house edge. It?s a mathematical force as powerful as compound interest.

In the event that you gamble at casino games long enough, you will eventually lose all of your money. The math will ensure that.

The simplest exemplory case of here is the game of blackjack. Usually you win even money. The overall game is more-or-less fair, however the house has an edge because of one particular fact:

The dealer acts last.

If you bust before the dealer, you automatically lose your bet. If the overall game were mathematically fair, you?d push or tie with the dealer in the event that you both were to bust.

Poker has its own way of putting you at a mathematical disadvantage?it?s called the rake. Once you play poker in virtually any kind of professionally run cardroom, the house keeps 5% of each pot.

Unless you?re much better than another players at the table, that 5% will eventually eat up all of your money. You don?t have to just be much better than the other players. You need to be so much better that it compensates for that 5% rake.

Sports betting, too, puts you at a disadvantage. It?s not called the rake in sports betting; it?s called the vig. With most bets, you have to wager $110 to win $100. That extra $10 is pure profit for the bookmaker?unless you?re good enough at picking winners you could win 53% of the time or more.

This doesn?t mean it is possible to?t get an advantage by counting cards, playing expert poker, or by handicapping games well. It just means you have to be really good those ideas.

Con #3 A lot of people lose money when they gamble.

Even individuals who understand the mathematical principles behind gambling often lose. A number of them are simply recreational gamblers who are willing to accept those long-term losses. Some are confused and think they?re winning over time even though they?re not.

Think about this:

If a lot of people won money if they were gambling, the casinos couldn?t stay static in business.

And have you seen those casinos in NEVADA?

They?re big and fancy. That costs money.

They make their money from people losing it in the casinos.

Con #4 Some profits from gambling don?t go where they?re supposed to.

I?m discussing most state lotteries here. Those funds are supposed to be earmarked for education generally in most states, but that?s not how most state budgets work.

A state?s budget is similar to a bucket. Money is similar to water in that bucket. Where the water gets poured is also the main budget.

But states don?t categorize that x number of dollars originated from the lottery, so we must increase educational spending by that amount.

In fact, generally in most states with a lottery, the extra revenues usually pay for tax cuts for corporations?NOT education.

Con #5 Your money would probably do the job if you invested it.

I?ve mentioned compound interest as a force of nature a couple of times. It?s true. If you invest small amounts of money consistently over an extended period of time, compound interest will make sure that you eventually have a big sum of money.

If you start by saving $500/month, and if you can generate 6% interest, you?ll be considered a millionaire in 40 years. You?ll only have invested $6000 a year for 40 years, which means that your total investment is $240,000. All of those other money comes from compound interest.

If you can save a lot more than that, or when you can earn a higher return on your money, you can become a millionaire even faster.

Pump that same $500/month in to the slot machines at Harrah?s, and in 40 years, you?ll almost certainly have nothing showing for it. Sure, some people get lucky and win a million dollars. But even a number of them put it back into the machines and lose it.

Con #6 It?s a pricey form of entertainment in comparison to most other activities.

I like to think of gambling regarding just how much it?s going to cost me normally each hour. That?s an easy enough mathematical formula with regards to casino games:

Total hourly action X the home edge = expected hourly loss

Of course, additionally you need to calculate the full total hourly action. A proven way is to just total up all the bets you make over a 60-minute period. But most gamblers I know vary their bet sizes at the very least a little, just to keep things interesting.

Casinos calculate hourly action by estimating an average bet size and the average number of bets each hour, then multiplying one by another.

For example, the average slot machine game player makes 600 spins per hour. In the event that you?re playing for $5 per spin, you?re putting $3000 per hour into action.

Another example is a blackjack player who bets on 70 hands each hour. If he?s playing for $10 per hand, he?s putting $700 into action each hour.

The house edge for table games (and video poker games) is really a known quantity. For example, in the event that you?re playing blackjack with perfect basic strategy, the home edge is between 0.5% and 1%, based on the rule variations set up.

In the event that you?re putting $700 each hour into action at the blackjack table, and if you?re facing an edge of 1%, you?re considering a predicted hourly lack of $7.

But with a slot machine, you?re uncertain what the house edge is. You can look at estimates from publications like Strictly Slots or American Casino Guide for overall estimates for specific destinations and even specific casinos.

Most slot machines have at least an 8% house edge, though. (Online slots are marginally better, as they have less overhead and may afford to provide better games.)

Therefore the $5 per spin slot machine player, putting $3000 into action per hour, will lose an average of $24/hour.

This doesn?t automatically make blackjack better than slot machines, by the way. Some people think blackjack is approximately as exciting as watching paint dry.

But if you compare that cost with the price tag on seeing a movie, you will probably find that movies certainly are a cheaper type of entertainment. Most movie tickets in my area cost $10 or $11, which means I?m spending $5 or $6 per hour for that entertainment.

I can borrow movies on DVD from my local library free of charge, though, too. I'm also able to borrow books there for free. Entertainment doesn?t get much cheaper than that.

I don?t make value judgments about how a person spends their entertainment money. But I really do hope to educate my readers so that they can make their very own informed judgments.

Con #7 Gambling contributes little to society.

Although you may?re an edge gambler, just like a card counter or pro poker player, you?re not contributing anything to society when you?re earning your cash. Recreational gamblers are contributing even less to society.

Compare that with schoolteachers. They work hard for his or her money, and their contribution to society is clear.

I don?t think every activity should be measured exclusively by just how much it contributes to society. But I really do think it?s a consideration to take into account when deciding whether you need to become a gambler.

Other hobbies arguably offer more to society. I've a friend who?s a retired schoolteacher, and he doesn?t gamble. He?s a painter. He derives a lot of satisfaction from his hobby. Therefore do the clients who buy his paintings and display them in their homes or offices.

You might opt to become a gambler, or you might not. I think it?s a person decision, much like deciding whether to drink alcohol. Most people agree that adults have the proper to decide whether they?re likely to do things like drink and gamble.

My hope is that you have sufficient data to make an informed decision. You may agree or disagree with the pros and/or cons on this list. But at least you have something new to consider when deciding whether to start out (or continue) a gambling career or hobby.
