How Do Russian Citizens Feel About the War in Ukraine

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In contrast, Ukraine’s three presidents since the 2004 Orange Revolution never organized anti-Russian media campaigns. Ukrainians throughout this period have never held negative views of Russians and only because of Putin’s aggression have Ukrainian attitudes turned against the Russian state and its leaders. Ukrainian citizens—unlike Russians—distinguish between Russian leaders and state institutions, which three-quarters of them abhor, and the Russian people, whom a majority of Ukrainians continue to view positively. “For me, the special military operation is a stage that must be passed – whether there should be an intrusion into so many lives is another matter.

  • Britain has loosened travel restrictions on four western Ukrainian regions.

  • Conflict experts are warning that Russia maintains a significant advantage over Ukraine in several key areas right now, and Kyiv will need to seriously dig in if it hopes to fend off Moscow's war machine and have any shot at offensive operations next year.

  • One of my friends is against our government while her grandmother supports them, and I know that’s caused a quarrel between them.

  • MOSCOW — Waiting for her friends on Moscow’s primly landscaped Boulevard Ring earlier this week, Svetlana Kozakova admitted that she’d had a sleepless night.

  • “Ukraine has achieved this because it has largely prevented the Russian Black Sea Fleet from operating in the western Black Sea, where it is held at risk by Ukrainian missiles and uncrewed surface vessels,” it said.

  • One local family visiting St Petersburg were shocked to find nothing had changed while their own lives had been turned upside down.

The stock market remains closed amid fears of a massive share sell-off. One-quarter of respondents say they already feel the effect of those sanctions, according to Volkov. People who are from disadvantaged groups are suffering the most, he adds, because they don't have the resources to adapt.

No peace unless Ukraine gives up Crimea and Donbas, says Fico

By mid-2014, positive views of Russia had fallen to 52 percent. “My father has a very strange position – it seems that he simultaneously supports and does not support the special military operation. Overall, he’s always had nationalist views, so it’s not surprising.

  • Positive Russian attitudes toward Ukraine once again dramatically collapsed during the Euromaidan, which was portrayed in massive state-sponsored information campaigns as a Western-backed coup bringing Russophobes and fascists to power.

  • Many who study and report on Russia, me included, believe a small percentage of people actively support the war, and a small percentage actively oppose it.

  • Early Thursday morning, any remaining skepticism that their country would invade was put to rest, when Mr. Putin declared a “special military operation” in Ukraine.

  • A couple walk in front of the Kremlin's Spasskaya Tower and St Basil's cathedral in downtown Moscow.

Excluding such data from climate models makes them less accurate, and the problem will get worse over time, a new study warns. "By neglecting Russian sites, we decrease our chances to mitigate the negative consequences of climate change," says Efrén López-Blanco of Aarhus University in Denmark, who is one of the authors of the paper, published in the journal Nature Climate Change. Large-scale protests are reportedly planned in several Russian cities later on Thursday, and social media images have showed an increased number of single-pickets across the country. An authoritarian streak runs through Putin’s two decades in control of Russia and his government takes any opportunity it has to crush opposition and gag dissenters. It is this that makes the anti-war protests against the invasion of Ukraine so telling. “Everyone has their own opinion but in general, I believe that children and teenagers should not directly express an ardent point of view about politics, and about the special military operation.

The Ukraine Crisis: What to Know About Why Russia Attacked

Roughly speaking, I just started helping another part of the population. Over 2022, I helped with humanitarian aid for visiting refugees from the Donetsk and Luhansk people’s republics, collected humanitarian aid, and wrote letters for mobilised servicemen. For that, I was named ‘Volunteer of the Year’ in my hometown of Odintsovo. “Since we lived in Russia, the war affected us quite a lot.

  • Business, housing and community services, medicine, education – everything will sag.

  • But 66 percent of Russians aged between 18 and 24 have a positive or very positive attitude toward Ukraine.

  • The Ukrainian administrator said the centre, which aims to promote the language, traditions and identity of a country Vladimir Putin denied the legitimacy of as a modern state in his speech on Monday, would be shut for the “coming period”.

  • Polls have suggested that even though they are the least likely to support the invasion, many still back it.

  • I deleted some of my messages because the police check social media chats on public transportation.

  • The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites.

“There are some conflicts of interest, we know it well and we will talk about them, but not only in the spirit of friendship, which is obvious, but with the attitude to solve these problems as soon as possible, not to maintain or multiply them,” he said. The Kremlin has said it has no idea how Donald Trump could follow through on his claimed plan to end the war in Ukraine in 24 hours. “We discussed with the prime minister that all critical issues that exist can be resolved at the level of governments, and work on this will begin shortly,” Mr Zelensky said. The Polish prime minister’s visit to Ukraine represents a step towards rapprochement between the two countries after border blockades by Polish truckers. Now it has downgraded the travel warning for the regions to “all but essential travel”, while maintaining the previous warning in the rest of Ukraine. Two drones struck the port of Ust-Luga on the Gulf of Finland in the early hours of Sunday, causing a massive explosion.

Zelensky claims six Russian regions were 'historically Ukrainian'

The sanctions now hitting Russia are being described as economic war - they aim to isolate the country and create a deep recession there. Western leaders hope the unprecedented measures will bring about a change in thinking in the Kremlin. "I am scared here - people have been arrested for speaking against 'the party line'. I feel ashamed and I didn't even vote for those in power."

A fire at a Russian fuel terminal caused by a Ukrainian drone attack has been extinguished after almost 36 hours. Volodymyr Zelensky has been condemned for claiming six Russian regions were “historically inhabited by Ukrainians”. Ukraine is shifting its military strategy to “active defence” after its counter-offensive last year failed to deliver significant gains.

Only 10-12% of people surveyed by the Levada Center, many of them civil servants and members of the middle class, were aware of this connection. One reason is Russia's "extremely strict censorship" that cuts off most people from independent news sources. The majority of Russians are influenced by state propaganda and do not go online to get the news, Gudkov said. That's according to Lev Gudkov, a Russian sociologist who heads the analytical Leveda Center. Dubbed a "foreign agent" by the Kremlin in 2016, the Leveda Center is considered the only opinion research institute independent from the Russian state or state funding.

Several minutes later, Solovyov claimed that the attacks against Ukraine are being carried out with “surgical precision” exclusively on military installations. “We all need to recognise that our lives will never be the same. Whether will be better or worse depends on us,” he said. A journalist, soccer fanatic and Shrewsbury Town fan, Will’s love for the game has withstood countless playoff final losses. After graduating from the University of Liverpool he wrote for a number of British publications before joining AS USA in 2020.

  • At the same time, there have been cases of pro-war pupils recording their teachers making dovish statements in class, and reporting them to the authorities.

  • These are sums that citizens in these rural areas of Russia have never seen before, which also explains why Russia is seeing no anti-war protests.

  • The national guard is controlled by the interior ministry and is responsible for internal security, public order and guarding critical infrastructure.

  • This blatant attempt to silence our voice is a direct assault on the integrity of journalism and the values we hold dear.