Personal Alarms for Safety

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Personal Alarms for Safety

Many people are hesitant to use a personal safety alarm because they may think it’s too big or too difficult to carry around. lone working device uk However, these devices can be small and easy to attach to a keychain or purse and still produce a siren that deters would-be attackers.

Using a personal alarm helps people get help in the event of a medical emergency, an assault, or even a serious accident or crime. It is also useful for those who live alone or work in remote areas.

Who can use a personal alarm?

Personal safety alarms can be used by men, women, children, and adults of all ages. The best types of devices have a simple push-button or ring-to-sound alarm system that calls for help and alerts nearby people.

How can I use a personal alarm?

If you are a caregiver or you live in an assisted living environment, you may need to call for help in the middle of the night. A personal alarm can be used to alert a friend, family member or caregiver when you need assistance.

Why do people use personal alarms?

Personal alarms are a valuable tool to help protect people who live alone, those who are disabled or elderly and those working alone. They can summon help quickly, no matter where you are or what time it is.

To determine the effectiveness of personal security alarms, a systematic review was conducted. Electronic databases were consulted to identify studies focusing on violence and the use of personal safety alarms.