Why are modern car keys remotes and key fobs so expensive at the moment

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There are several reasons why modern car keys, remotes, and key fobs can be expensive:

Advanced Technology: Modern car keys are more than just simple mechanical keys. They often incorporate advanced technology, such as transponders or RFID chips, which communicate with the car's immobilizer system. These added features increase the complexity and cost of manufacturing.

Security Features: Car manufacturers invest heavily in developing secure key systems to prevent theft and unauthorized access to vehicles. Encryption and sophisticated anti-theft mechanisms are implemented in modern car keys, which contributes to their higher cost.

Customization and Programming: Many modern car keys and remotes require customization and programming to match the specific vehicle. Locksmith Tunbridge Wells involves specialized equipment and knowledge, which adds to the overall cost.

Exclusive Dealership Access: Many Vehicle manufacturers have exclusive agreements with their dealerships for key replacement and programming. This limits the options for consumers and can result in higher prices due to limited competition.

Integrated Functions: Key fobs often have additional functions, such as remote start, keyless entry, or even smartphone integration. These added features contribute to the complexity and cost of the key fob.

Limited 24 Hour Locksmith Tunbridge Wells : Each car manufacturer typically produces keys specific to their models, which may result in lower production volumes compared to generic keys. Lower production volumes can increase manufacturing costs.

Branding and Profit Margins: Car manufacturers often view keys as part of their brand identity and may charge higher prices accordingly. Additionally, third-party key vendors may also mark up the prices for their own profit margins.

It's important to note that the cost of replacement keys can vary significantly depending on the car make and model. Some keys may be relatively inexpensive, while others with more advanced features or security systems may be considerably more expensive to replace.

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